Gets the file descriptor for a cancellable job. This can be used to
implement cancellable operations on Unix systems. The returned fd will
turn readable when cancellable is cancelled.
You are not supposed to read from the fd yourself, just check for
readable status. Reading to unset the readable status is done
with gio.cancellable.Cancellable.reset.
After a successful return from this function, you should use
gio.cancellable.Cancellable.releaseFd to free up resources allocated for
the returned file descriptor.
Gets the file descriptor for a cancellable job. This can be used to implement cancellable operations on Unix systems. The returned fd will turn readable when cancellable is cancelled.
You are not supposed to read from the fd yourself, just check for readable status. Reading to unset the readable status is done with gio.cancellable.Cancellable.reset.
After a successful return from this function, you should use gio.cancellable.Cancellable.releaseFd to free up resources allocated for the returned file descriptor.
See also gio.cancellable.Cancellable.makePollfd.