signal callback delegate or function to connect
void callback(gio.app_info.AppInfo info, glib.variant.VariantG platformData, gio.app_launch_context.AppLaunchContext appLaunchContext)
info the #GAppInfo that was just launched (optional)
platformData additional platform-specific data for this launch (optional)
appLaunchContext the instance the signal is connected to (optional)
Yes.After to execute callback after default handler, No.After to execute before (default)
Signal ID
Connect to Launched signal.
The #GAppLaunchContext::launched signal is emitted when a #GAppInfo is successfully launched.
Because a launch operation may involve spawning multiple instances of the target application, you should expect this signal to be emitted multiple times, one time for each spawned instance.
The platform_data is an GVariant dictionary mapping strings to variants (ie a{sv}), which contains additional, platform-specific data about this launch. On UNIX, at least the pid and startup-notification-id keys will be present.
Since 2.72 the pid may be 0 if the process id wasn't known (for example if the process was launched via D-Bus). The pid may not be set at all in subsequent releases.
On Windows, pid is guaranteed to be valid only for the duration of the #GAppLaunchContext::launched signal emission; after the signal is emitted, GLib will call If you need to keep the #GPid after the signal has been emitted, then you can duplicate pid using DuplicateHandle().