Adds a content type to the application information to indicate the application is capable of opening files with the given content type.
Obtains the information whether the #GAppInfo can be deleted. See gio.app_info.AppInfo.delete_.
Checks if a supported content type can be removed from an application.
Tries to delete a #GAppInfo.
Creates a duplicate of a #GAppInfo.
Checks if two #GAppInfos are equal.
Gets the commandline with which the application will be started.
Gets a human-readable description of an installed application.
Gets the display name of the application. The display name is often more descriptive to the user than the name itself.
Gets the executable's name for the installed application.
Gets the icon for the application.
Gets the ID of an application. An id is a string that identifies the application. The exact format of the id is platform dependent. For instance, on Unix this is the desktop file id from the xdg menu specification.
Gets the installed name of the application.
Retrieves the list of content types that app_info claims to support. If this information is not provided by the environment, this function will return null. This function does not take in consideration associations added with gio.app_info.AppInfo.addSupportsType, but only those exported directly by the application.
Launches the application. Passes files to the launched application as arguments, using the optional context to get information about the details of the launcher (like what screen it is on). On error, error will be set accordingly.
Launches the application. This passes the uris to the launched application as arguments, using the optional context to get information about the details of the launcher (like what screen it is on). On error, error will be set accordingly. If the application only supports one URI per invocation as part of their command-line, multiple instances of the application will be spawned.
Async version of gio.app_info.AppInfo.launchUris.
Finishes a gio.app_info.AppInfo.launchUrisAsync operation.
Removes a supported type from an application, if possible.
Sets the application as the default handler for the given file extension.
Sets the application as the default handler for a given type.
Sets the application as the last used application for a given type. This will make the application appear as first in the list returned by gio.app_info.AppInfo.getRecommendedForType, regardless of the default application for that content type.
Checks if the application info should be shown in menus that list available applications.
Checks if the application accepts files as arguments.
Checks if the application supports reading files and directories from URIs.
Creates a new #GAppInfo from the given information.
Gets a list of all of the applications currently registered on this system.
Gets a list of all #GAppInfos for a given content type, including the recommended and fallback #GAppInfos. See gio.app_info.AppInfo.getRecommendedForType and gio.app_info.AppInfo.getFallbackForType.
Gets the default #GAppInfo for a given content type.
Asynchronously gets the default #GAppInfo for a given content type.
Finishes a default #GAppInfo lookup started by gio.app_info.AppInfo.getDefaultForTypeAsync.
Gets the default application for handling URIs with the given URI scheme. A URI scheme is the initial part of the URI, up to but not including the ':', e.g. "http", "ftp" or "sip".
Asynchronously gets the default application for handling URIs with the given URI scheme. A URI scheme is the initial part of the URI, up to but not including the ':', e.g. "http", "ftp" or "sip".
Finishes a default #GAppInfo lookup started by gio.app_info.AppInfo.getDefaultForUriSchemeAsync.
Gets a list of fallback #GAppInfos for a given content type, i.e. those applications which claim to support the given content type by MIME type subclassing and not directly.
Gets a list of recommended #GAppInfos for a given content type, i.e. those applications which claim to support the given content type exactly, and not by MIME type subclassing. Note that the first application of the list is the last used one, i.e. the last one for which gio.app_info.AppInfo.setAsLastUsedForType has been called.
Utility function that launches the default application registered to handle the specified uri. Synchronous I/O is done on the uri to detect the type of the file if required.
Async version of gio.app_info.AppInfo.launchDefaultForUri.
Finishes an asynchronous launch-default-for-uri operation.
Removes all changes to the type associations done by gio.app_info.AppInfo.setAsDefaultForType, gio.app_info.AppInfo.setAsDefaultForExtension, gio.app_info.AppInfo.addSupportsType or gio.app_info.AppInfo.removeSupportsType.
Adds a content type to the application information to indicate the application is capable of opening files with the given content type.
Obtains the information whether the #GAppInfo can be deleted. See gio.app_info.AppInfo.delete_.
Checks if a supported content type can be removed from an application.
Tries to delete a #GAppInfo.
Creates a duplicate of a #GAppInfo.
Checks if two #GAppInfos are equal.
Gets the commandline with which the application will be started.
Gets a human-readable description of an installed application.
Gets the display name of the application. The display name is often more descriptive to the user than the name itself.
Gets the executable's name for the installed application.
Gets the icon for the application.
Gets the ID of an application. An id is a string that identifies the application. The exact format of the id is platform dependent. For instance, on Unix this is the desktop file id from the xdg menu specification.
Gets the installed name of the application.
Retrieves the list of content types that app_info claims to support. If this information is not provided by the environment, this function will return null. This function does not take in consideration associations added with gio.app_info.AppInfo.addSupportsType, but only those exported directly by the application.
Launches the application. Passes files to the launched application as arguments, using the optional context to get information about the details of the launcher (like what screen it is on). On error, error will be set accordingly.
Launches the application. This passes the uris to the launched application as arguments, using the optional context to get information about the details of the launcher (like what screen it is on). On error, error will be set accordingly. If the application only supports one URI per invocation as part of their command-line, multiple instances of the application will be spawned.
Async version of gio.app_info.AppInfo.launchUris.
Finishes a gio.app_info.AppInfo.launchUrisAsync operation.
Removes a supported type from an application, if possible.
Sets the application as the default handler for the given file extension.
Sets the application as the default handler for a given type.
Sets the application as the last used application for a given type. This will make the application appear as first in the list returned by gio.app_info.AppInfo.getRecommendedForType, regardless of the default application for that content type.
Checks if the application info should be shown in menus that list available applications.
Checks if the application accepts files as arguments.
Checks if the application supports reading files and directories from URIs.
Proxy object for Gio.AppInfo interface when a GObject has no applicable D binding