
Create a new pixbuf containing a copy of src scaled to dest_width x dest_height.

This function leaves src unaffected.

The interp_type should be gdkpixbuf.types.InterpType.Nearest if you want maximum speed (but when scaling down gdkpixbuf.types.InterpType.Nearest is usually unusably ugly). The default interp_type should be gdkpixbuf.types.InterpType.Bilinear which offers reasonable quality and speed.

You can scale a sub-portion of src by creating a sub-pixbuf pointing into src; see gdkpixbuf.pixbuf.Pixbuf.newSubpixbuf.

If dest_width and dest_height are equal to the width and height of src, this function will return an unscaled copy of src.

For more complicated scaling/alpha blending see gdkpixbuf.pixbuf.Pixbuf.scale and gdkpixbuf.pixbuf.Pixbuf.composite.


destWidth int

the width of destination image

destHeight int

the height of destination image

interpType gdkpixbuf.types.InterpType

the interpolation type for the transformation.

Return Value

Type: gdkpixbuf.pixbuf.Pixbuf

the new pixbuf