- cairoDrawFromGl
void cairoDrawFromGl(cairo.context.Context cr, gdk.surface.Surface surface, int source, int sourceType, int bufferScale, int x, int y, int width, int height)
The main way to not draw GL content in GTK.
- cairoRectangle
void cairoRectangle(cairo.context.Context cr, gdk.rectangle.Rectangle rectangle)
Adds the given rectangle to the current path of cr.
- cairoRegion
void cairoRegion(cairo.context.Context cr, cairo.region.Region region)
Adds the given region to the current path of cr.
- cairoRegionCreateFromSurface
cairo.region.Region cairoRegionCreateFromSurface(cairo.surface.Surface surface)
Creates region that covers the area where the given
surface is more than 50% opaque.
- cairoSetSourcePixbuf
void cairoSetSourcePixbuf(cairo.context.Context cr, gdkpixbuf.pixbuf.Pixbuf pixbuf, double pixbufX, double pixbufY)
Sets the given pixbuf as the source pattern for cr.
- cairoSetSourceRgba
void cairoSetSourceRgba(cairo.context.Context cr, gdk.rgba.RGBA rgba)
- contentDeserializeAsync
void contentDeserializeAsync(gio.input_stream.InputStream stream, string mimeType, gobject.types.GType type, int ioPriority, gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable, gio.types.AsyncReadyCallback callback)
Read content from the given input stream and deserialize it, asynchronously.
- contentDeserializeFinish
bool contentDeserializeFinish(gio.async_result.AsyncResult result, gobject.value.Value value)
Finishes a content deserialization operation.
- contentSerializeAsync
void contentSerializeAsync(gio.output_stream.OutputStream stream, string mimeType, gobject.value.Value value, int ioPriority, gio.cancellable.Cancellable cancellable, gio.types.AsyncReadyCallback callback)
Serialize content and write it to the given output stream, asynchronously.
- contentSerializeFinish
bool contentSerializeFinish(gio.async_result.AsyncResult result)
Finishes a content serialization operation.
- dragSurfaceSizeGetType
gobject.types.GType dragSurfaceSizeGetType()
- eventsGetAngle
bool eventsGetAngle(gdk.event.Event event1, gdk.event.Event event2, double angle)
Returns the relative angle from event1 to event2.
- eventsGetCenter
bool eventsGetCenter(gdk.event.Event event1, gdk.event.Event event2, double x, double y)
Returns the point halfway between the events' positions.
- eventsGetDistance
bool eventsGetDistance(gdk.event.Event event1, gdk.event.Event event2, double distance)
Returns the distance between the event locations.
- internMimeType
string internMimeType(string string_)
Canonicalizes the given mime type and interns the result.
- keyvalConvertCase
void keyvalConvertCase(uint symbol, uint lower, uint upper)
Obtains the upper- and lower-case versions of the keyval symbol.
- keyvalFromName
uint keyvalFromName(string keyvalName)
Converts a key name to a key value.
- keyvalIsLower
bool keyvalIsLower(uint keyval)
Returns true if the given key value is in lower case.
- keyvalIsUpper
bool keyvalIsUpper(uint keyval)
Returns true if the given key value is in upper case.
- keyvalName
string keyvalName(uint keyval)
Converts a key value into a symbolic name.
- keyvalToLower
uint keyvalToLower(uint keyval)
Converts a key value to lower case, if applicable.
- keyvalToUnicode
uint keyvalToUnicode(uint keyval)
Convert from a GDK key symbol to the corresponding Unicode
- keyvalToUpper
uint keyvalToUpper(uint keyval)
Converts a key value to upper case, if applicable.
- pixbufGetFromSurface
gdkpixbuf.pixbuf.Pixbuf pixbufGetFromSurface(cairo.surface.Surface surface, int srcX, int srcY, int width, int height)
- pixbufGetFromTexture
gdkpixbuf.pixbuf.Pixbuf pixbufGetFromTexture(gdk.texture.Texture texture)
Creates a new pixbuf from texture.
- setAllowedBackends
void setAllowedBackends(string backends)
Sets a list of backends that GDK should try to use.
- toplevelSizeGetType
gobject.types.GType toplevelSizeGetType()
- unicodeToKeyval
uint unicodeToKeyval(uint wc)
Convert from a Unicode character to a key symbol.