Value | Meaning |
NorthWest1 | the reference point is at the top left corner. |
North2 | the reference point is in the middle of the top edge. |
NorthEast3 | the reference point is at the top right corner. |
West4 | the reference point is at the middle of the left edge. |
Center5 | the reference point is at the center of the surface. |
East6 | the reference point is at the middle of the right edge. |
SouthWest7 | the reference point is at the lower left corner. |
South8 | the reference point is at the middle of the lower edge. |
SouthEast9 | the reference point is at the lower right corner. |
Static10 | the reference point is at the top left corner of the surface itself, ignoring window manager decorations. |
Defines the reference point of a surface and is used in gdk.popup_layout.PopupLayout.