Checks whether (x, y) is contained in region.
Checks whether rectangle is inside, outside or partially contained in region
Allocates a new region object copying the area from original.
Compares whether region_a is equivalent to region_b. null as an argument is equal to itself, but not to any non-null region.
Gets the bounding rectangle of region as a #cairo_rectangle_int_t
Stores the nth rectangle from the region in rectangle.
Computes the intersection of dst with other and places the result in dst
Computes the intersection of dst with rectangle and places the result in dst
Checks whether region is empty.
Returns the number of rectangles contained in region.
Checks whether an error has previous occurred for this region object.
Subtracts other from dst and places the result in dst
Subtracts rectangle from dst and places the result in dst
Translates region by (dx, dy).
Computes the union of dst with rectangle and places the result in dst.
Computes the union of dst with other and places the result in dst
Computes the exclusive difference of dst with other and places the result in dst. That is, dst will be set to contain all areas that are either in dst or in other, but not in both.
Computes the exclusive difference of dst with rectangle and places the result in dst. That is, dst will be set to contain all areas that are either in dst or in rectangle, but not in both.
Pointer to the C boxed value
Get the GType of this boxed type.
Boxed GType property.
Convenience method to return this cast to a type. For use in D with statements.
Make a copy of the wrapped C boxed data.
Copy a C boxed value using g_boxed_copy.
Free a C boxed value using g_boxed_free.
A #cairo_region_t represents a set of integer-aligned rectangles.
It allows set-theoretical operations like cairo.region.Region.union_ and cairo.region.Region.intersect to be performed on them.
Memory management of #cairo_region_t is done with cairo.region.Region.reference and cairo.region.Region.destroy.