This function returns the type of the backend used to create a font face. See #cairo_font_type_t for available types.
Return user data previously attached to font_face using the specified key. If no user data has been attached with the given key this function returns null.
Checks whether an error has previously occurred for this font face
Pointer to the C boxed value
Get the GType of this boxed type.
Boxed GType property.
Convenience method to return this cast to a type. For use in D with statements.
Make a copy of the wrapped C boxed data.
Copy a C boxed value using g_boxed_copy.
Free a C boxed value using g_boxed_free.
A #cairo_font_face_t specifies all aspects of a font other than the size or font matrix (a font matrix is used to distort a font by shearing it or scaling it unequally in the two directions) . A font face can be set on a #cairo_t by using cairo.context.Context.setFontFace; the size and font matrix are set with cairo.context.Context.setFontSize and cairo.context.Context.setFontMatrix.
There are various types of font faces, depending on the <firstterm>font backend</firstterm> they use. The type of a font face can be queried using cairo.font_face.FontFace.getFontType.
Memory management of #cairo_font_face_t is done with cairo.font_face.FontFace.reference and cairo.font_face.FontFace.destroy.