
Gets a flattened copy of the current path and returns it to the user as a #cairo_path_t. See #cairo_path_data_t for hints on how to iterate over the returned data structure.

This function is like cairo.context.Context.copyPath except that any curves in the path will be approximated with piecewise-linear approximations, (accurate to within the current tolerance value). That is, the result is guaranteed to not have any elements of type cairo.types.PathDataType.CurveTo which will instead be replaced by a series of cairo.types.PathDataType.LineTo elements.

This function will always return a valid pointer, but the result will have no data (<literal>data==null</literal> and <literal>num_data==0</literal>), if either of the following conditions hold:

<orderedlist> <listitem>If there is insufficient memory to copy the path. In this case <literal>path->status</literal> will be set to cairo.types.Status.NoMemory.</listitem> <listitem>If cr is already in an error state. In this case <literal>path->status</literal> will contain the same status that would be returned by cairo.context.Context.status.</listitem> </orderedlist>

class Context

Return Value

Type: cairo.path.Path

the copy of the current path. The caller owns the returned object and should call cairo.path.Path.destroy when finished with it.