Upload data to a Flight described by the given descriptor. The caller must call arrow.record_batch_writer.RecordBatchWriter.close on the returned stream once they are done writing.
The reader and writer are linked; closing the writer will also close the reader. Use garrow_flight_stream_writer_done_writing() to only close the write side of the channel.
A #GAFlightDescriptor.
A #GArrowSchema.
A #GAFlightCallOptions.
The #GAFlighDoPutResult holding a reader and a writer on success, null on error.
Upload data to a Flight described by the given descriptor. The caller must call arrow.record_batch_writer.RecordBatchWriter.close on the returned stream once they are done writing.
The reader and writer are linked; closing the writer will also close the reader. Use garrow_flight_stream_writer_done_writing() to only close the write side of the channel.