This is a factory function to create a specific #GArrowFileSystem object.
Copy a file. If the destination exists and is a directory, an error is returned. Otherwise, it is replaced.
Create a directory and subdirectories. This function succeeds if the directory already exists.
Delete a directory and its contents, recursively.
Delete a directory's contents, recursively. Like arrow.file_system.FileSystem.deleteDir, but doesn't delete the directory itself. Passing an empty path ("") will wipe the entire file system tree.
Delete a file.
Delete many files.
Get information for the given target.
Get information same as arrow.file_system.FileSystem.getFileInfo for the given many targets at once.
Get information same as arrow.file_system.FileSystem.getFileInfo according to a selector.
Move / rename a file or a directory. If the destination exists:
Open an output stream for appending. If the target doesn't exist, a new empty file is created.
Open an input file for random access reading.
Open an input stream for sequential reading.
Open an output stream for sequential writing. If the target already exists, the existing data is truncated.