signal callback delegate or function to connect
bool callback(adw.tab_page.TabPage page, adw.tab_view.TabView tabView)
page a page of self (optional)
tabView the instance the signal is connected to (optional)
Returns whether propagation should be stopped
Yes.After to execute callback after default handler, No.After to execute before (default)
Signal ID
Connect to ClosePage signal.
Emitted after adw.tab_view.TabView.closePage has been called for page.
The handler is expected to call adw.tab_view.TabView.closePageFinish to confirm or reject the closing.
The default handler will immediately confirm closing for non-pinned pages, or reject it for pinned pages, equivalent to the following example:
The adw.tab_view.TabView.closePageFinish call doesn't have to happen inside the handler, so can be used to do asynchronous checks before confirming the closing.
A typical reason to connect to this signal is to show a confirmation dialog for closing a tab.
The signal handler should return GDK_EVENT_STOP to stop propagation or GDK_EVENT_CONTINUE to invoke the default handler.