Creates a new adw.preferences_window.PreferencesWindow.
Adds a preferences page to self.
Displays toast.
Closes the current subpage.
Gets whether gestures and shortcuts for closing subpages are enabled.
Gets whether search is enabled for self.
Gets the currently visible page of self.
Gets the name of currently visible page of self.
Pop the visible page from the subpage stack of self.
Sets subpage as the window's subpage and opens it.
Pushes page onto the subpage stack of self.
Removes a page from self.
Sets whether gestures and shortcuts for closing subpages are enabled.
Sets whether search is enabled for self.
Makes page the visible page of self.
Makes the page with the given name visible.
Adds breakpoint to self.
Gets the content widget of self.
Gets the current breakpoint.
Returns a gio.list_model.ListModel that contains the open dialogs of self.
Returns the currently visible dialog in self, if there's one.
Sets the content widget of self.
A window to present an application's preferences.
<picture> <source srcset="preferences-window-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"> <img src="preferences-window.png" alt="preferences-window"> </picture>
The adw.preferences_window.PreferencesWindow widget presents an application's preferences gathered into pages and groups. The preferences are searchable by the user.
CSS nodes
adw.preferences_window.PreferencesWindow has a main CSS node with the name window and the style class .preferences.