
Creates a new adw.about_window.AboutWindow using AppStream metadata.

This automatically sets the following properties with the following AppStream values:

  • propertyAboutWindow:application-icon is set from the <id>
  • propertyAboutWindow:application-name is set from the <name>
  • propertyAboutWindow:developer-name is set from the <name> within <developer>
  • propertyAboutWindow:version is set from the version of the latest release
  • propertyAboutWindow:website is set from the <url type="homepage">
  • propertyAboutWindow:support-url is set from the <url type="help">
  • propertyAboutWindow:issue-url is set from the <url type="bugtracker">
  • propertyAboutWindow:license-type is set from the <project_license>. If the license type retrieved from AppStream is not listed in gtk.types.License, it will be set to GTK_LICENCE_CUSTOM.

If release_notes_version is not NULL, propertyAboutWindow:release-notes-version is set to match it, while propertyAboutWindow:release-notes is set from the AppStream release description for that version.

class AboutWindow
string releaseNotesVersion = null


resourcePath string

The resource to use

releaseNotesVersion string

The version to retrieve release notes for

Return Value

Type: adw.about_window.AboutWindow