
Returns a new rsvg handle. Must be freed with gobject.object.ObjectG.unref. This handle can be used to load an image.

The preferred way of loading SVG data into the returned rsvg.handle.Handle is with rsvg.handle.Handle.readStreamSync.

The deprecated way of loading SVG data is with rsvg.handle.Handle.write and rsvg.handle.Handle.close; note that these require buffering the entire file internally, and for this reason it is better to use the stream functions: rsvg.handle.Handle.newFromStreamSync, rsvg.handle.Handle.readStreamSync, or rsvg.handle.Handle.newFromGfileSync.

After loading the rsvg.handle.Handle with data, you can render it using Cairo or get a GdkPixbuf from it. When finished, free the handle with gobject.object.ObjectG.unref. No more than one image can be loaded with one handle.

Note that this function creates an rsvg.handle.Handle with no flags set. If you require any of rsvg.types.HandleFlags to be set, use any of rsvg.handle.Handle.newWithFlags, rsvg.handle.Handle.newFromStreamSync, or rsvg.handle.Handle.newFromGfileSync.

class Handle

Return Value

A new rsvg.handle.Handle with no flags set.